UNIT 3: What makes weather what it is? Temperature, Air pressure, Winds and Precipitation.

Temperature, Air pressure, WInds and Precipitation

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What makes weather what it is? Temperature, Air pressure, Winds and Precipitation. 3 of 5
Think about it.
What’s the first thing it comes on your head when someone asks you, what’s the weather like?
 Theo:” I don’t know, I say it’s cold or really warm.”
That’s what we call temperature.

Temperature is about how hot or cold the air is. We can measure it with a maximum and minimum thermometer in degrees centigrade.
Factors making up the weather
1.- So that’s the first factor: TEMPERATURE
But there is another thing that makes up the weather and we normally don’t mention that’s air pressure.
2.- Air pressure is the weight of the atmosphere at the Earth’s surface.
It’s quite simple really. It varies according to temperature and type.
Warm air rises and when it rises it causes low pressure. Cool air sinks and when it sinks, it causes high pressure.
Air pressure is recorded with an aneroid barometer in millibars.
3.- Winds are another factor in the weather.
But winds are also related to air pressure. That’s what causes winds. There’s a movement of air from areas of high pressure to low pressure.
You can measure the direction of the wind with a wind vane, and you can measure the speed of the wind with an anemometer, it’s measured in knots or kilometres per hour.
We’ve talked three things that make up the weather: temperature, air pressure and winds, but the last one is precipitation, the moisture that falls from the clouds, usually rain but not always.
4.- Precipitation.
Precipitation is measured with the rain gauge, it is measured in millimetres.
As Theo said precipitation doesn’t just mean rain, it’s any kind of moisture that comes from the clouds; it could be snow, hail, frost or dew.
Theo: “Aha, is it any scientific connection between precipitation and…”
In this part we’ve learnt there are four main factors, when we talk about weather.
These are:
1. Temperature
2. Air pressure
3. Wind
4. Precipitation
