NATURAL LANDSCAPES. How to make an effective presentation.

Last Thursday, our students prepared a presentation about the different natural landscapes, and Janine has written these ten pieces of advice for them.

How to make an effective presentation - 10 pieces of advice

  1.  Stand straight and look at the audience
  2.  Speak out to them as if you are the teacher
  3.  If you are using slides they should be clear
  4.  Any written text should be large enough for the audience to read
  5.  You should not read- a presentation is NOT a story
  6.  Take your time to pronouce words clearly
  7.  Pause between phrases so that the audience can digest what you are saying
  8.  Use effective intonation- High at the start of the section/phrase, low at the end.
  9.  Smile and try to look relaxed- after all this is your topic
  10.  Enjoy it- everyone is listening to you!
