How to make an effective presentation. 2nd Year.

Ana, Elena and Gema making their presentation about the Mayas, the Incas and the Aztecs.

10 pieces of advice

  •  Stand straight and look at the audience
  •  Speak out to them as if you are the teacher
  •  If you are using slides they should be clear
  •  Any written text should be large enough for the audience to read
  •  You should not read- a presentation is NOT a story
  •  Take your time to pronouce words clearly
  •  Pause between phrases so that the audience can digest what you are saying
  •  Use effective intonation- High at the start of the section/phrase, low at the end.
  •  Smile and try to look relaxed- after all this is your topic
  •  Enjoy it- everyone is listening to you!
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